The South Lynden Watershed Improvement District is located in the central lowland area of Whatcom County, adjacent to and in the floodplain of the main Nooksack River within WRIA 1. The area is predominantly agricultural, comprising mostly dairy farms and fields. The closest city, Lynden (pop. 12,900), borders the WID to the north. A significant proportion of the soils in the South Lynden WID have been classified by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service as Prime or Prime if managed5 (see Prime Soils reference map). The WID area encompasses 12,991 acres in total. The WID area includes portions of significant tributaries to the Nooksack River: Kamm Creek, Scott Ditch, and the northern part of the Wiser Lake/Cougar Creek watershed. These tributaries and other drainages are included in Water Resource Inventory

Area 1 (WRIA 1). The WID contains two other special purpose districts within its boundaries, whose primary purpose is to improve and maintain drainage of agricultural land within those portions of the WID. These are Drainage Improvement District # 5, Diking District #3 and Consolidated Drainage Improvement Districts #20 and #21 detailed information can be found in the South Lynden WID Mapping Report.
2022 Action Items
1. Work with partners on DNA sequencing to better inform
water quality decision making
2. Continue water quality testing and education
3. Work with AWB to resolve the water supply challenge
4. Build on the 5-year drainage permit to accomplish improved drainage