South Lynden WID Priorities, Goals, and Possible Actions
Agricultural activities in the South Lynden WID do not cause water quality standards to be exceeded in surface water and groundwater bodies within the WID area
(2017) Initiated DNA tracking pilot program in Scott Ditch
(2019) Continue with the water quality testing and response program
(2019) Work with WCD on DNA sequencing to better inform water quality decision making
(2019) Encourage NRCS to continue their quality initiative in the Kamm and Scott drainages with emphasis on storage
and irrigation management.
1b. Water Quantity: water availablilty for agricultural use (irrigation, livestock, processing)
Farmers in the South Lynden WID have secure (legal) access to sufficient water for agricultural uses.
(2017) Work on options for agricultural water supply: Address “use it or lose it”
(2018) Foster task force pilot: Identified participants and prioritized locations where transfers might be
feasible and practical.
(2019) Support & coordinate with Ag Water Board for efforts in legal negotiations and actions related to water rights.
(2019) Provide education about water rights to WID members.
Drainage infrastructure and ditches in the South Lynden WID are actively and effectively maintained.
(2017) Completed a 5-year programmatic drainage permit
(2019) Communicate ability to make use of our permits to landowners and partners in the WID
Agricultural lands in the South Lynden WID are protected from flooding due to surface water runoff at critical times in the growing season.
(2017) Interact with County Flood Mgt. regarding gravel removal & funding concerns
Internal: WID members are aware of and understand the WID’s priority issues and they participate actively in WID planning and implementation of priority actions.
External: Non-agricultural residents in the WID area, other external stakeholders and relevant bodies & agencies are aware of, understand and support the South Lynden WID’s priority actions.
(2015) Redesigned website @
(2017 - present) Sponsor WCD Speaker Series and other communication efforts
The South Lynden WID’s plans and actions help to protect and enhance water flow processes as well as fish and wildlife habitats in the South Lynden watershed.
(2019) Identify and replace priority fish blocking culverts
7. Agriculutural protection (protecting the agricultural industry)
The South Lynden WID’s plans and actions contribute to the recognition, protection and strengthening of the agricultural base in the WID area.